Our first Christmas as 3

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hubs and I decided we would try not to have a crazy Christmas trying to run around to too many places this year, but it didn't quite work out that way. The good news is, we had an amazing day and wouldn't have changed anything! We did our usual Christmas eve at Nanny and Grandpa's place which meant lots of food, drink, prezzies, and far too much dessert! (Is there such a thing??) I don't seem to have many photos from Christmas eve, so we'll move on to Christmas day.

We went to church in the morning and caught up with some friends and introduced Jr to them, then headed back to Hubs' Mum's for breakfast and presents with the fam. We then went to my bro's place for Christmas with my side of the family which was, as usual, an absolute delight. There were 23 of us seated around an enormous table eating absolutely delicious food!

Khicken and Kturtle had only moved into this house the weekend before, so extra kudos go to them for a huge effort getting everything ready! And not that I can take (full) credit for our delightful little boy, but he was certainly a hit at the party!

We exchanged prezzies and stories and Chance got plenty of cuddles and kisses and even more presents! Not that I'm jealous or anything, cos I got the best present ever! Khicken and Kturtle uncovered my old teddy bear Gizmo, cleaned him up (with napisan among other things) and presented him to me! I missed you Gizmo!!

We then ended our Christmas day at Hubs' sister's place where there were kids, presents, freshly caught fish, a nerf gun that everyone wanted to get their hands on, and more kids. By 11pm we were pooped so we came home and crashed, only to be woken up by a very cute Santa's little helper a couple of hours later. 

As far as Christmases go, this would have to be one of the best!

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